Les is More: Ryan Leslie

by S.Feleke

Long awaited and it’s finally here–Ryan Leslie’s album Les is More. Being a huge fan of his, I’ve got to say that he does not get enough credit for his work–underrated for sure. With fourteen tracks all showing off his creativity, I felt like this album was going to be little bit of the unexpected for me. I’m used to his smooth and soulful singing. This time around Leslie shows off his rap game (with some singing on the side). I’ve got to admit I was a little nervous, because I absolutely love his singing, but I’d say that he did a good job while staying true to his artistic style.  His effortless flow to the simplest of beats comes to show– less is more. If you have ever watched a video of him creating a song, then you know how easy he makes it seem. With the skills, passion and perseverance Ryan Leslie is the artist to be on the look out for.

Here is his latest video, Swiss Francs, off his new debut album Les is More.